The Shadow Event
Episode 494 features Christina from The Shadow Event: Some post punk, new wave, groove trip for ya. We’ll take you for a ride with every different song. Powerful, fun, eerie, sexy and cute, The Shadow Event is fronted by Christina Santavicca. She creeps and crawls and is in your face with her stage presence, vocals and keys. Sick guitar work ambushes on in with the makings from Mark DiBello. Followed by the backline, Dave Burek has tasty bass lines and Mike Matjasko bringing in flavorful drums. Originating in the summer of 2016, The Shadow Event is still evolving, but the sound so far will be sure to entice your musical realm. A flavor for all.
Segment 1 with Christina from the Shadow Event
- Where did the name The Shadow Event come from?
- How would you describe the sound of your music?
- If you were on tour, and I was tagging along with you, what music would we listen to in between show dates?
- If I played one of your songs backwards, what would I hear?
- If you could go back to any year and follow a musician around for a year who would you follow and why?
- If you could sit down on a bench and talk to any who is in the music field, who would you talk to? About what?
- You can pick 1 album to erase from your memory and hear it for the first time again, what album would it be?
Segment 2 with Christina
- Worst 90s bands?
- If you were going to build a band to manage from people in the music scene, who would you put in your band?
- Can you introduce the rest of the band?
- What is something that you absolutely love about the music scene and something you wish you could change about it?
- I see you’re playing KISSBurgh 2 on January 25th, what songs are you covering?
- Where can my listeners get a copy of your music?
- Can you tell me about the point in your life where you knew you wanted to be a musician?
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